Thursday, March 11, 2010


I was excited to get going on my book today in class, but I forgot to bring pictures to look off of to draw. I need certain pictures of a truck, train, house, etc. so I can draw the different things I need for La Grande. I was able to plan out how I want it to look and the order I want everything in. I tested my white pencil and marker on the black paper to see how it will look since i'm drawing it all white. I will add red to the chair of course, and I figured out how I can do that as well. After that I couldn't really do anything so I went and looked at the artwork in the library then went home to look at the pictures. I drew some outlines of everything so I know how to draw it onto the actual paper and as of now I'm ready to start making it. The drawing is what will take the longest I think because i'm trying to use one continuous piece of paper so all I will have to do is attach it to my houses. I think it will turn out how I want and I'm excited to see the finished product.

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