The class got the new assignment last Thursday, (I think). We might have been introduced to it before, but really got into it on Thursday. In lab we were able to look through books and try out the accordion fold with paper. I didn't really know what I was going to do yet, but once I started making lists I started to get ideas. In the handout we got in class, there were ideas of what you could go off of. We were to make three lists from those prompters, or ones of our own. Here are the lists I made:
-The World
-Heaven and Earth
Things That Are Round:
-Color Wheel
-Smiley Face
-Eye Ball
After I made those two lists I began to look through the 500 series book of books. I saw some that I liked, but I was drawn to one that opened up and was a city skyline. I tried thinking of a way I could do that. Boise isn't that big and doesn't have much of a skyline, and nothing else would really mean anything to me, so I thought of La Grande, my hometown. The only thing was that La Grande is way smaller than Boise, so it definitely doesn't have a skyline. I couldn't really think of anything in class, but over the weekend i remembered a list about La Grande that was made.
Some friends made a list on Facebook titled: You Know You Lived in La Grande When... I thought that I could use pieces of this list into making my "skyline" of La Grande. Here is the list:
1. You hang out at Denny's and know your waiter personally
2. You watch ads for churches before the movie at the movie theater
3.You can hear the train from your house
4.You've wondered what it would be like to sit in the Red Rocking Chair
5.You've walked from one side of town to the other without much difficulty
6. You've gone swimming in the river
7.You went or have taken classes from EOU
8.You've been to more than 1 church service in a day
9.You've seen random parades downtown
10.Half of your friends own a truck
11.The stoplights start blinking after 11
12. You've driven to Cove, Elgin, Or Imbler because you have nothing better to do
13. Your wardrobe consists of JC Penny's or Maurices?
...there were a few more, but ones I knew wouldn't work for the assignment. I decided that I was going to take certain things from this list and make it into an accordion fold like the skyline book I saw. I decided on doing Denny's, Ads of churches (or just churches in general because there are a lot of them for how small La Grande is), hearing the trains, trucks, and stoplights. In between I might at trees (because there are also a lot of them) and houses, (because La Grande is so small there are houses in the middle of everything).
Today I went to the dollar store to try and find supplies. I wanted to use black paper as my pages of the book, then use white pencil or something to outline these things. I want to do it that way because that is sometimes how skylines are portrayed, and I want this to portray La Grande. I know that no one else in the class will really get it because they're not from La Grande. It's more personal to me and my background. Anyways, I couldn't find any regular black paper, but there were big black poster boards. They were really thin, almost like card stock, so I thought they would work. I'll just cut them to whatever size and shape. I was walking through and isle with picture frames and came across ones that would work perfect for my cover and end of my book. They're picture frames in the shape of a house. I thought it was perfect for making a book about a town. I can put the title, or picture, whichever I choose in the picture frame also. The trick part is going to be attaching the paper to it and having it stay and not look messy. I still need to try out using white pencil on the black to see how well that will look. I think the only color I want for it is the yellow in the stoplight, the red rocking char, and the green in the trees. I'm not sure if the green in the trees is necessary or not though.
One thing that i've been debating is whether I should add the words or not. Just looking at it you won't get the exact words out of it if you don't know La Grande. At the same time, if you were from La Grande and saw this book, you would think, oh exactly! That's La Grande. I need to decide exactly what I want the book to say. If I do add the words I think i'll add them on one side. (I'm planning on having this book double sided. So you see the same thing on both sides). With the words on one side, you would read exactly what came from the list. On the other side, you would have just the image. I kind of like that idea, it will just depend on how much I can do in the time we have. This project is due on Tuesday, which doesn't give us much time. I hope it turns out how I pictured it and everything works.