Sunday, February 21, 2010

Class Notes- Conceptual Art

Conceptual Art: The idea is more important than the object.
-It's not always clear what the idea behind it is, so it can be frustrating.

Yoko Ono
-most famous unknown artist
-conceptual work that crosses boundaries
-work involves viewer
-"gives feelings of unfished-ness."- Yoko Ono
-"by conceptualizing things you have a freedom from the object."-Yoko Ono

-anti corporation ideas
-to expose things that are wrong, evil in their minds
-doing it without knowing who did it
-investors get involved with the idea to see it happen

Tom Friedman
-has to do with the everyday things in our lives
-creates mysterious meanings of the objects

Marcel Duchamp
-conceptual artist
-used a urinal as one of his pieces

Janine Antoni
-"loving care" was painted with her hair covered in hair dye

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