Friday, April 30, 2010

Artist # 27 Pablo Picasso

In grade school Pablo Picasso is one of the artists that I remember learning about. We saw some of his paintings and then had to create our own "Picasso" piece. In middle school we had to recreate this drawing by Picasso as well:

So from a small age i've been introduced to Picasso's work, but never had really learned about him. I know now that his work went from analytic cubism to synthetic cubism. I've also heard of cubism, but didn't really know what it was. Analytic cubism is where the painting looks as if the objects or the subject matter is seen from many viewpoints. In this next painting it causes the viewer to go back and forth in the space.

In some places it looks like the room has depth, but then the body casts a shadow on the wall and that shows you that it's a very shallow room. On the right there's a curtain being pulled back to make you think that it's opening up into a deeper space, but then there's a wall right behind and so you're stuck in the same space as you're already in.

Picasso's work is breaking the figures down. The body in the above painting is treated as plains. That's why it looks so weird and unrealistic. I don't really like his paintings. Although it was a shift in art history, they're just too odd and aren't pleasing to my eye. Here are a few more paintings by Picasso:

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