Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Artist #1 Frank Gehry

I have never heard of Frank Gehry, therefore have never looked at his work. I wasn’t even sure what kind of artist he was. In class we were told to look him up for our skeleton skin project because his work is similar. As soon as I typed in his name, I found that he is an architect, and a very different one. His work is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I haven’t seen any of his buildings in real life, I’m pretty sure I would remember if I have. They are very unique and I like them. Of course I don’t like every single one of them, but I like the general look of something different.
I read a quote by him that said his skill is his hand-eye coordination. He can come up with a sketch and actually build to look just like that sketch. These sketches aren’t just regular buildings; they are masterpieces that are functional. That’s what I like. His buildings are like big sculptures, but they’re buildings, so they’re used for something. I think it would be cool to work in one of them.
Frank Gehry’s buildings don’t look like other buildings, just by the materials used to make them. Most buildings are pretty boring to look at, neutral colors, tall and straight. He uses colors, and metals, some are shiny, that are definitely not tall and straight. They really draw attention to them and make me want to see them in person. Here I have some of his buildings.

I like this building, and it's hard to say why. It just pleases my eyes while looking at it. I like the color chosen. It's not shiny metal, but kind of metallic. I like the shapes and think it all just works together really well.

These two pictures are of the same building, but I liked the different views. I also really like the look to it. I love how the building reflects onto the water and sort of gives it a symmetrical look that way. I think it plays with the actual building and adds to it.

I thought this one was just pretty crazy. I don't necessarily like it, but I don't really dislike either. This one is a little further out there as far as a building. When I first looked at it, I didn't even think it could be a building. I don't really like the pieces that are added on the "roof" of it that just kind of stick up.

I thought this one was pretty crazy too. It reminds me of a castle or a play toy for kids to climb around on. I'm not sure if I really like it. I was drawn to this one more than the one above it, but i'm still not crazy about it. I do like the sheen to it and the color though.

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