Friday, February 5, 2010

Artist # 2 Ron Mueck

I think his sculptures are really interesting. The sizes are crazy. Some of them are huge and some much smaller. They’re very realistic. That almost throws me off when just looking at a photo because you see this sculpture of a human that looks very real and think that it’s just life-size, but then you see other people next to it and it’s much, much bigger than real people. It’s interesting to me why he chooses to blow up these people. What’s the point? Or why he’ll make some of them way smaller than an actual person. I found that he plays with the scale to produce “disconcertingly jarring visual images.” (Wikipedia ).
The people and the forms they're in that he chooses to sculpt is also interesting to me. They’re in positions that I wouldn’t normally think to see a realist sculpture of. For example, Dead Dad. It’s really weird to me that he made a miniature sculpture of his dad dead lying on the floor nude. I don’t like some of his sculptures, such as that one. Honestly I’m not really into any of the nude sculptures, but it’s just amazing how real they look.
It’s crazy that he can make these huge human sculptures and have them still look so real. There was a close up detail of the foot of his sculpture Boy and it’s so real looking. It seems like it would be very difficult when working with that large of a scale and have the end product to be realistic. Or maybe it’s easier working with larger scales? I’ve never done it, so I can’t say. I do like looking at his work and think it would be really interesting to see them in person.

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